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  3. Why CDW is like the Golden State Warriors

Did you know that agency life is similar to that of a professional sports team?
By CDW  
•   December 2, 2019
  •   3 min read

Klay Thompson once said, “Behind the scenes, we’re not that interesting. We’re pretty normal. We enjoy families, the outdoors, movies, music, art, food. So it’s not like we’re special superhuman superheroes.”*

Like Klay and the Golden State Warriors, our team here at CDW is also not that interesting. Besides our superhero agency powers, and our incredibly smart and creative (and modest) brains, we are all pretty much normal. Well, most of us anyway. There was that one time that Andrew…ah, never mind, yes normal, we are all very normal. We all have families, love food, loooveee dogs, and enjoy throwing office parties for even the smallest of holidays (shout-out to National Pop Tart Day), and definitely love to win.

When it comes down to it, a sports team and an agency team have a lot in common.

A sports team, from the players to the coaches, managers, sales teams, and even the marketing teams, has one goal in mind: Win. The. Championship. An agency, from the client services team to the creatives, the office managers, to our talented and wonderfully irreplaceable human resources team (Hi, Deborah!), also has one singular goal in mind: Create smart, compelling, and dynamic content that helps our clients drive their business objectives forward. 

A winning team is filled with great players that make sacrifices small and large—all made for the greater good of the team.

On a sports team, that means everybody has their role, but they also understand that a new responsibility may pop up and they’ll need to tackle it with tact and precision. At an agency, again, everyone has their role, but they also understand what it takes to win… so if a request comes charging down the court, a good player can step up and slam dunk that content. 

Net-net (pun intended), it takes the efforts of everyone on the team to reach our full potential as a sports team or an agency team. Maybe we’re not as famous or have as many endorsement deals, but we’re still in it to win it.



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