As we turn the calendars forward, the whole stay home/stay safe mantra is still a daily struggle. But let’s look at the positive. What was a big silver lining of 2020? We all rediscovered our love of games—board games and card games with the household, online games with loved ones near and far.
Back in the day (when we all got to interact in the physical world), the Contrast crew was known to break out all kinds of games at our get-togethers—from Telestrations to Cheeto Head. So, of course we all chuckled and played along with the “2020 Apocalypse Bingo” cards on social media—amused but stunned, with a “What could possibly happen next?” mindset.
Sure, the first month of 2021 hasn’t gotten off to a great start, but we’re ready to manifest some good news. So, here are our hopes and intentions in the form of a Bingo card—sent out into the universe—for a happy, healthy, best-ever New Year.
Download your own card below to play along with us!